Thursday, November 6, 2014

How to research Mesopotamia and Iraqi history :( , a conversation with a modern researcher )

me: what is your field?

her: history of religions
i teach reilgions of the ancient world (above all mesopotamian & greek ones ) , but now i'd like to study islam too

me: oh, interesting
I visited Gobeklitepe this summer
Mesopotamian ancient ones is pre-islamic, like what? Zoroaster, Baal and such?
sumerian & babylonian ..
zoroastrianism is persian

well, those were the people, but what is the name of the religion?
yes, but the Persian empire covered a lot of that area

they don't have a name .. we say "sumerian religion " etc ....
oh really
could you send me some introductory articles on those?
I just did a lecture on world heritage sites (and future world heritage sites) that I visited there
I have studied zoroaster, yezidi, sufi...

her: yes, you could read Samuel Noah Kramer's books

he is a Jew...
don't you have something by someone who is actually from that region, like an Iraqi prof?

her: No iraqi professor wrote books in western languages about the mesopotamic religions .


aren't there any translations?
i mean, if people study Babylon and Sumeria, they might bother to translate the Arabic originals?

her: NO. there was a iraqi scientific journal , "SUMER ", but now it doesn't exist anymore

me: thanks to the USA, I assume...


babylonians & sumerians weren't arab
yes, thanks to the US .

I asked about a professor...
I did not mean scriptures from thousands of years back, they did not print stuff in those days, nor did they research themselves, right?
all, I am saying is I do not want to read info about Mesopotamia viewed through Jewish glasses

her: No, iraq has been destroyed & there aren't serious iraqi rearchers anymore .

what about their research? destroyed too? libraries gone, burned?
there were loads of them in the 20th century, we do not depend on that past 13 years, do we?

her: Yet i confess i am NOT an anti-semite & i don't care if an author is a jew or not .

me: ok, well, do you have any non-jewish authors? I would be willing to accept a German...

her: Kramer was the greatest expert in Sumerian religion ever


as a matter of fact, every single world heritage site I have visited in the Middle East was dug up by German researchers
ok, do you read only one person?
who was the "greatest ever" is determined by such schools as harvard which is almost entirely Jewish, and the ones I have met were mostly mediocre, like that "most famous of all professors" who studied Iran...
her: NO, i read almost al lthe books about the mesompotamian religions and i wrote books and articles .
ok, then send me someone else please
thank you

You asked the titles of "introductory " articles .
ok. you can read Adam Falkenstein's books . He was a great scholar & he was a nazi : so yu can be sure he wasn't a jew .
I am schocked that someone doesn't want to read a book b/c the author is a jew

me:  am surprised that you wonder why a researcher would prefer reading literature written by those who research their own history rather than by those intent on destroying that heritage . I am also surprised that you assume this preference is based on antisemitist rather than search for an unbiased view by an insider, have you never thought about that? Rather than repeating that old dog eared excuse that " you are an antisemitist if you don't agree that Jews should be running the world in their selfish way "


I  am against every form of racism , and i am not interested in chatting with racist people . I wish you a wondeful day .
I was asking about your field of research. We were talking about Mesopotamia not Israel.
Thus I see no reason to insist on limiting this to Jewish researchers nor why this is such an issue that is more important than the field itself .I  will be happy to read what Jewish researchers have to say on Israel and it's history but not about Iraq. Just like I do not take tango lessons from a Finn

her: so you read only greek reaserchers about ancient greece, italian (or maybe roman ) reasearchers about ancient rome and so on .

me: I read those who do not have an ulterior motive. And your excuse that "there is no magazine anymore" and therefore you can give me absolutely nothing published by a native, sounds quite absurd
how long have you researched this and why do you limit yourself to this?

her: you are blocked     

