Thursday, April 26, 2012

From İstanbul to Kapadokya

From İstanbul to Kapadokya

Yesterday İ took the cross country bus to Kapadokya. Had to be at the bus stop at 7am for an 11 hour ride. İ do thıs, rather than flying, because it gives me that feeling of really experiencing travelling.
From İstanbul til Ankara it was all gently rolling hills, covered in grass and little shrubs. Then the colour of the grass started changing slowly, from green with brown patches and then all brown, burnt by the sun and finally a lighter brown-beige and then empty patches and finally all barren brown land wıth rugged rocks here and there, the wilder landscape of Anatolia starting to appear. The girl next to me (women were not allowed to sit next to men on that bus) was wearing a headscarf and had a very quiet, pure expression on her face. She was fasting for Ramadan and did not take any of the water or tea offered on the way and dıd not eat. Finally at dusk she accepted a cup of water from the conductor, then they played the muezzeen and a spoken prayer over the radio, she prayed quietly and the finally drank some water and broke her bread. But to my surprise she shared her bread with me!

Now I am in Goereme, staying in a cave pension,an last night spent the evening at a friend's hoıuse, smoking, listening to musıc and the 3 of us dancing together.
Today İ had breakfast in a cafe, and the waiter there turned out to be the sexıest guy in town and told me that he ıs good wıth horses, and that people who are good wıth horses also are good with women. He ıs a Tartar. We talked about dance, he kept telling me all kinds of very sensuous thıngs, about touching horses, touching skin, naked souls...until İ felt İ really should leave before İ fall for another guy who will have an effect on me lıke a heavy addictive drug..., )
So, back at my frıend's house, for a quiet lazy afternoon of sufı music...
Mon, September 7, 2009

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