Sunday, April 29, 2012

One Arabic approach to flirtation- Jane Digby buys a horse


One Arabic approach to flirtation- Jane Digby buys a horse

from "The biography of Jane Digby, a Scandalous life"

"In the desert encampment Jane had seen a thoroughbred Arabian horse which exactly matched her requirements, the duchess said. It belonged to a handsome young sheikh who, when Janese offered to buy the magnificent creature, told her it was unrideable. 'If the horse were able to be broken to ride', the sheikh told Jane, 'it would be beyond price'. But even as she stood, the sheikh said, he valued the animal above his three beautiful wives. Jane replied that, though a fine horse was to be treasured, three beauiful wives should not be disdained. She suggested that he sent the horse to her to see if she could ride it. Agreeing that 'sometimes a woman succeeds where a man fails because she knows when to yield', the sheikh had two of his Arabs lead the horse to Jane.
She had been breaking and riding thoroughbred horses all her life, and, knowing her skill as an equestrienne, the duchess and Edmond About found no difficulty ihn believing that within a short period their friend had managed to persuade the horse to take the saddle and was able to ride her.
When he saw her galloping the 'unbreakable' horse, the sheikh found Jane more exciting than his three wives put together. He said to her, 'This animal is now priceless since you were able to dominate her, but if you still want her it is not with your money that you will have to pay for her.'
Jane, who had been admiring the sheikh, replied:'I will pay what you wish for the horse, I have not come such a distance to haggle. But the women of my country are too proud to share a man's heart; they only enter a tent on condition that they reign alone, and I will pay you for your horse only on condition that you dismiss your harem.'
The sheikh said heatedly, 'Men of my country take as many wives as they can afford to keep; if I dismiss my harem to live with one woman alone I will appear like a 1200 franc clerk. Besides, I must follow my religion, set an exemple to my people and respect the old ways.'
...They discussed the matter for a long time before they reached an agreement, and at the present time Jane is the sole wife of the sheikh. She has a three year contract and when this expires the sheikh, if he so wishes, may take back his harem. The contract is renewable, but will it be renewed? I doubt it. Woman is a fruit that ripens quickly under the Syrian sun.
The Duchesse soon got over Jane's departure, having taken the precaution of quarreling with her prior to her departure so as not to miss her."

Wed, January 20, 2010 - 10:48 PM

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